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- ItemOpen AccessReport on a Round Table on Training Distance Educators(1990) Commonwealth of LearningPapers Presented at a Round Table on Training Distance Educators: COL Headquarters, Canada, 2 - 6 April 1990. // Series formerly called "Perspectives on Teacher Education." Renamed to "Perspectives on Open and Distance Learning."
- ItemOpen AccessAdministrative Structures for Distance Education(1991) Perraton, HilaryThe purpose of this book is to help anyone considering the use of distance education and trying to decide how it should be organised. The acclaimed success of the world's 25+ open universities gives the impression that learning at a distance demands the establishment of an open university. But, in practice, there are many different ways in which governments, universities, or private bodies can teach students at a distance. The book explores and compares the options that may be possible.
- ItemOpen AccessDistance Education in Single and Dual Mode Universities: Papers Presented to a Symposium on Reforms in Higher Education(1992) Mugridge, IanThe papers in this collection were prepared for a symposium on reforms in higher education, with particular emphasis on distance education, held in New Delhi, India, in late August, 1992, and sponsored by The Commonwealth of Learning and the University Grants Commission, India. // Series formerly called "Perspectives on Teacher Education." Renamed to "Perspectives on Open and Distance Learning."
- ItemOpen AccessDistance Education in India(1992) Singh, AbhimanyuThere are over one hundred conventional universities in India, and five Open Universities have also been started. The total student enrolment in the Open system is ten percent of all enrolments in higher education. That proportion will undoubtedly increase. In view of the importance being attached to Distance Education in India, it was felt valuable to look at the experience of this country. // This monograph is based on a paper originally prepared for the Asian Development Bank Round Table Conference on Distance Education, Islamabad, Pakistan (Nov. 6-8, 1989). The paper was later updated and expanded to form this case study. // Series formerly called "Perspectives on Teacher Education." Renamed to "Perspectives on Open and Distance Learning."
- ItemOpen AccessTeacher Education in Science, Mathematics and Technical/Vocational Subjects(1993) Emmal, Marline; Kinyanjui, Peter EThe quality of education depends to a large extent on the quality of the teachers involved in its development and delivery. Teacher training is a need for all countries of the world. Nowhere is the need felt more keenly than in the provision of teachers for science, mathematics and technical/vocational subjects. The problem is exacerbated in developing countries, which must simultaneously deal with shortcomings in other areas. The Commonwealth of Leaming (COL) recognises the problem and is committed to finding and applying new methods of teacher education and training to complement conventional systems and to help accelerate solutions. This was the main focus of the Round Table meeting convened by COL in Vancouver, Canada, in June 1992, and attended by 22 experienced educators drawn from 13 countries of the Commonwealth. In order to share the participants’ ideas and experiences more widely, it was considered appropriate to publish the papers and proceedings of the meeting in this form. // Series renamed to "Perspectives on Distance Education."
- ItemOpen AccessStudent Support Services: Toward More Responsive Systems: Report of a Symposium on Student Support Services in Distance Education(1993) Sweet, RobertThis report summarises the results of a symposium convened by The Commonwealth of Learning in Delhi between June 21 and 27, 1992. The symposium was entitled "Models of Student Support Systems in Distance Education" and consequently was oriented more towards policy than practice. Nevertheless, the deliberations were anchored in the personal experiences of participants and their institutions, which lent an especially lively tone to the discussions, These centred on the institutional case studies presented by representatives from the four open universities in India, the new distance education programmed at Bangladesh's national university, and the institutions in two non-Commonwealth countries, Thailand and Indonesia,
- ItemOpen AccessThe Funding of Open Universities(1994) Mugridge, IanA collection of case studies, based on papers prepared for the COL/International Council for Distance Education (ICDE) symposium on funding and costing of open universities at the Asian Association of Open Universities (AAOU) conference in Hong Kong. // Series formerly called "Perspectives on Teacher Education." Renamed to "Perspectives on Open and Distance Learning."
- ItemOpen AccessKey Partners in Sustainable and Equitable Development: Resource materials on women and sustainable development(1994) Ofosu-Amaah, WaafasThis report responds to Commonwealth mandates by producing training materials on women and sustainable development. It extrapolates, from selected "success stories," the common lessons for learning and teaching about the effective integration of environment and gender. The success stories demonstrate that women have developed new approaches to environmentally sound energy production in rural areas, improved conservation of energy in community settings, found ways to deal with waste economically and safely (whether by recycling or responsible consumer behaviour) and re-introduced effective indigenous methods that are economically feasible and environmentally sustainable. These training materials are presented in a format that will make them adaptable for use by a variety of interested parties, from policy makers to practitioners, and in a variety of settings, from classroom instruction to radio broadcasts.
- ItemOpen AccessOpen Schooling: Selected Experiences(1994) Mukhopadhyay, Marmar; Phillips, SusanThe first open school programme is believed to have begun in 1914 as correspondence lessons prepared at the request of a parent in Beech Forest in the Otway Mountains in Australia. By 1916, a special correspondence branch had been established. The success of the school programme led to the spread of open schools to several other Australian states and territories. Open schools were then introduced in Canada in 1919 and in New Zealand in 1922. The popular view that open learning and distance education trickled down from higher education is unfounded. In the 1960s, distance education expanded massively across many countries, especially in higher education as open universities. Meanwhile distance education at the primary and secondary levels in open schools was confined to only a few countries. As a result, the contemporary view of distance education is primarily associated with the open university. The open school movement, however, is an idea whose time has come. Many countries have now set up open schools for primary and secondary students, for example, in Bangladesh, India, Indonesia, South Korea, and Zambia. Initiatives to establish similar institutions are under consideration in South Africa, Egypt, China, Nigeria, and many other countries. Although having begun much later than open universities, open schools are rapidly gaining ground and some of them have quite high enrolments. For example, the National Open School of India, which started in 1989, now has a total enrolment of 250,000 students
- ItemOpen AccessQuality Assurance in Higher Education: Symposium Papers(1994) Deshpande, Prakash M; Mugridge, IanThis collection of essays is part of two approaches to dealing with the issue of quality assurance in distance education. The first approach arises from the agreement on research signed at the sixteenth world congress of the International Council on Distance Education (ICDE), held in Bangkok in Novemeber, 1992, by ICDE and The Commonwealth of Learning (COL). This agreement set up a mechanism under which the two organisations could begin to approach jointly a matter contained in the mandate of each, the encouragement of research in distanced education. The second approach is a more focussed one aimed at work in a particular country. // Series formerly called "Perspectives on Teacher Education." Renamed to "Perspectives on Open and Distance Learning."
- ItemMetadata onlyWater Safe: An Introduction to Water Quality Issues(1994) Williams, ElizabethA coursebook for a self-study programme that will help in the understanding of the importance of good, clean, and safe water in everyday lives, but particularly when used in the preparation of food.
- ItemOpen AccessEnvironmental Education in Small Island Developing Country(1994) Filho, Walter LThe United Nations Assembly's decision to dedicate the year of 1994 as the UN Year of Small Island States and the subsequent decision to organise a conference at the highest level to discuss aspects of environment and development in small island nations have both been greeted with sympathy by the international community. There is a consensus that this is a unique opportunity to holistically discuss the various environmental, social and economical issues that are matters of concern to small island nations, and to make these concerns widely known. In this context, a unique opportunity is being provided with regard to the wide debate as to the role of environmental education in the environmental conservation process, and to an analysis of the current strategies to promote the environmentally-sound economic development of small island developing nations
- ItemMetadata onlyEducation for the Future: A Generic Version of the Report of a Caribbean Task Force on Education(1995) Commonwealth of LearningThrough analyses undertaken by a Caricom Advisory Task Force, a far-reaching policy document was produced which outlines a coherent approach to educational development in the Caribbean region. As the document contains much that has relevance and validity beyond the Caribbean, and especially in small island states, COL has produced a generic version of the report for wider circulation. It is hoped that the conclusions and recommendations may provide a stimulus for critical reflection in other parts of the Commonwealth
- ItemOpen AccessProducing Gender Sensitive Learning Materials: A Handbook for Educators(1995) Phillips, Susan; Jenkins, JanetThis unique resource book is designed to be used by those developing distance learning materials to assist in identifying gender bias concerns and improving capacity for addressing them. Discussion and case studies cover not only course materials, but also the manner in which educational issues are approached. For example, course calendars and brochures are examined to find ways in which opportunities for education and training can be "advertised" so that it is clear that women are encouraged to take part. The handbook can be used for self-study purposes, as a policy guide for administrators, or as a resource for workshops in course writing and instructional design.
- ItemOpen AccessRaising Awareness on Biodiversity: Commonwealth Examples(1996) Filho, Walter L; Dykes, Clare; Murphy, ZenaIn this book, readers will find critical analyses of the means that need to be employed to ensure that an environmental education dimension is implemented as part of biodiversity conservation projects. It describes state-of-the-art initiatives aimed at raising awareness on biodiversity in selected Commonwealth nations. Co-published with the European Research and Training Centre on Environmental Education. (134 pages).
- ItemOpen AccessTheoretical Perspectives on Gender and Development(1996) Bailey, Barbara; Leo-Rhynie, Elsa; Morris, Jeanette; Reddock, Rhoda; Connelly, M Patricia; MacDonald, Martha; Li, Tania M; Parpart, Jane L; Barriteau, Eudine; McClean, Maxine; Walker, Anne SThis core module was collaboratively developed and written by the Centre for Gender and Development Studies at the University of the West Indies, the International Women's Tribune Centre in New York, and the Summer Institute for Gender and Development (a joint project of Saint Mary's and Dalhousie Universities in Canada) through a project managed and co-ordinated by COL and funded with the aid of a grant from Canada's International Development Research Centre. This module focuses on the theoretical justification for examining the specific roles and contributions of women to development initiatives.
- ItemOpen AccessTraining and professional development of distance educators: A resource book of articles.(1997) McWilliams, Patricia; Commonwealth of LearningPrepared in co-operation with the International Centre for Distance Learning (UK Open University), with the financial assistance of the UK Department for International Development. This is a collection of articles, conference papers and reports on distance educator training activities prepared primarily for use in developing countries where identification of, and access to, relevant literature can be limited. (289 pages).
- ItemOpen AccessQuality Assurance in Higher Education: Selected Case Studies(1997) Tait, AlanThis publication marks the first collection to emerge from the work of the COL/ICDE quality assurance research group, chaired jointly by Jocelyn Calvert (Deakin University) and Alan Tait (UK Open University). It consists of a set of case studies of quality assurance practices in distance teaching universities, along with an introductory chapter by the editor. These case studies represent a significant addition to existing work in the field, particularly at a time when universities in many parts of the world and distance teaching universities, both new and established, are placing great emphasis on reviewing and, where necessary, revising what they do in accordance with established practices and principles of quality assurance. (88 pages) // Series formerly called "Perspectives on Teacher Education." Renamed to "Perspectives on Open and Distance Learning."
- ItemOpen AccessLibrary Services to Distance Learners in the Commonwealth: A Reader(1997) Watson, Elizabeth F; Jagannathan, NeelaWhile distance education is an effective and versatile means of addressing the problems of human resource development in the Commonwealth, an important concern is adequate and appropriate services to support distance students. There is a growing recognition that the provision of good library services is a crucial factor in determining the quality of distance education. The purpose of this collection of 22 articles is to acquaint readers with distance librarianship as it is practised throughout the Commonwealth. Case studies cover institutions in both developed and developing countries located in Africa, Australia, Britain, Canada, the Caribbean, India, and New Zealand. All of the contributors are distance education/librarianship practitioners. The book will be of value to distance librarians, educators, administrators and planners as well as to library school students
- ItemOpen AccessUse and Integration of Media in Open and Distance Learning: Trainers' Kit 004(1999) Commonwealth of Learning; Asian Development Bank; International Extension CollegeThe Commonwealth of Learning (COL) and the Asian Development Bank (ADB) are pleased to provide this toolkit for your use and we sincerely hope that it will be a valuable resource for anyone planning and conducting training in the practice of open and distance learning. The development of this toolkit and others, in various topics related to open and distance learning, has involved the time and dedication of a number of organisations and individuals. The impetus and financial support which enable COL to embark on this undertaking came from the Asian Development Bank. Under the terms and conditions of the ADB Regional Technical Assistance Project for Capacity Building in Distance Education for Primary Teacher Training, COL was commissioned to prepare training materials for use in three training workshops in the Asian region