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- ItemOpen AccessThe Facilitation of the Transfer of Learning Materials Manual(1999) Swales, ChristineThis manual provides practical advice to producers and users in selling, transferring, purchasing and acquiring materials. It is designed to facilitate the inter-institutional negotiation processes between producers and users and to identify the roles that COL may play in specific transfer and accreditation situations. Issues addressed include: types of transfer arrangements; copyright and intellectual property; adaptation and translation; costs, pricing, and remuneration; quality; and accreditation
- ItemOpen AccessSupport Groups in Distance Education(2000) Robertshaw, MichaelFor most distance education systems, distance, time or opportunity isolate learners from the teacher and from their fellow students. The system should attempt to cater to the student as an individual, even though content delivery involves mass production. Suitably prepared course material can reduce the effect of isolation from the teacher, but often it is only through interaction with others that full understanding occurs. To facilitate interaction most systems include different types of support groups, which may or may not include a teacher. This is an introduction to issues associated with such groups
- ItemOpen AccessThe Use of Multi Media in Distance Education(2000) Tooth, Terry; Chin, GraceIn the past century off-campus instruction has undergone considerable changes, not the least of which has been its name: correspondence became external studies, distance education, open learning and then flexible delivery. A constant throughout its history, however, has been concern with opening up educational opportunities. This paper discusses the theory and practice of distance education and explains the main issues involved in planning, developing and using media resources for distance education. It is directed at managers of distance education operations and others who have a professional interest in the subject
- ItemOpen AccessAn Introduction to Open and Distance Learning(2000) Commonwealth of LearningThis introduction to open and distance learning was based on introductory materials in COL's "training toolkits." The development of the toolkits, in various topics related to open and distance learning, involved the time and dedication of a number of organisations and individuals. Much of the material was developed by the International Extension College (UK). The impetus and financial support that enabled COL to embark on this undertaking came from the Asian Development Bank. Under the terms and conditions of the ADB Regional Technical Assistance Project for Capacity Building in Distance Education for Primary Teacher Training, COL was commissioned to prepare materials for use in three training workshops in the Asian region. COL decided to concurrently develop an additional three toolkits. The toolkits were published in early 2000 and are now available in the following topic areas: - overview of open and distance learning - designing open and distance learning materials - planning and management of open and distance learning - use and integration of media in open and distance learning - quality assurance in open and distance learning - learner support in open and distance - learning copyright and distance education
- ItemOpen AccessManaging for Electronic Networking(2000) Haughey, MargaretPost-secondary educational institutions are under increasing pressure for change. Some governments want institutions to produce increased numbers of science and technology graduates for the knowledge management economy. Potential students are anxious to obtain postsecondary education in a world where credentials are considered the initial step to career success. Some pressure is for flexibility as well as access, as students find themselves unable to afford full-time school and meet additional family or professional commitments. The pressures from the corporate world are to do more with less, and to indicate increasing effectiveness and efficiency through benchmarking, performance indicators and outcome measures. Employers would like more continuing professional education opportunities for their employees, to keep their knowledge current. Educators would like to see post-secondary institutions adopt more contemporary models based on the premise of active, social and experiential learning, while those in distance education institutions recognise the need to provide feedback to students and to enhance teacher-student interactivity. Underlying all these is the expectation that information technology (IT), while the source of many of these pressures, holds the answer
- ItemOpen AccessInstructional Design for Self-Learning for Distance Education(2000) Murphy, DavidHaving been asked to write about how to design and develop distance education courses, I have to start by stating "it all depends". Though it sounds like a bit of a cop out, it's true. Context is paramount. Having worked in different countries and for various organisations as both a writer and an instructional designer, mostly as the latter, I know that every job has unique challenges and variables. Course design and development is a people-oriented activity that calls for creativity and innovation; it cannot be fully captured by a neat prescriptive model, just as there can never be a single model of human learning. // Before getting into detail, I'd better clarify that I perceive instructional design as the art and science of crafting effective learning environments. That is, it calls for the application of scientific and artistic skills in the creation of effective learning conditions.
- ItemOpen AccessEditing Distance Education Materials(2000) Swales, ChristineDistance education materials take a learner-centred approach rather than the traditionally content-centred approach of textbooks. The key is the student. Learners need to become involved and motivated by the materials and to take ownership of the skills and knowledge that they acquire. This has several implications for the editing of distance education materials
- ItemOpen AccessUsing Community Radio for Non-Formal Education(2001) Thomas, JohnThe main limitations to any approach are the number of local and community radio stations willing and able to involve themselves in education, the willingness of educational organisations to explore the technology, and the availability of funding and other sources. Otherwise, the opportunities to use community radio for non-formal education can only be limited by the educator's imagination
- ItemOpen AccessUsing Telecentres in Support of Distance Education(2001) Latchem, ColinTelecentres or 'telecottages' are helping those at the margins of the knowledge economy gain and apply new understandings and skills. Telecentres may be seen as a socially responsive example of 'think global, act local.' With an ever-growing dependence on technology, there is a danger of ever-increasing disparity in access to education, training, information, and employment opportunities. Telecentres act as an equaliser, allowing the disadvantaged to log onto a world of opportunity
- ItemOpen AccessVideo/Videoconferencing in Support of Distance Education(2001) Stilborne, Linda; MacGibbon, PeterVideo is an increasingly important part of many distance education programmes, as it provides a visual and auditory context for learning. The necessary equipment need not be prohibitively expensive and the range of options for videoconferencing connectivity and video distribution include traditional videotape, video broadcast (instructional television), interactive videoconferencing, desktop videoconferencing and streaming video
- ItemOpen AccessAudio/Audioconferencing in Support of Distance Education(2001) Macmullen, PaulWhilst the latest generation of distance education has brought us a dizzying array of high tech,computer-based education technology and information saturation via the internet, simple audio and audioconferencing technologies are still effective for teaching and learning in contexts where participants cannot meet for face-to-face discussion and learning.
- ItemOpen AccessDesigning Online Learning(2001) Mishra, SanjayaThe Internet has simultaneously captured the imagination and interest of the world's educators. What drives this interest? Increasing demands for education, training and skills upgrading, a shift from a labour-intensive to a knowledge-intensive global economy, and the need for workers to earn while they learn. Online learning is the new generation in the evolutionary growth of open, flexible and distance learning
- ItemOpen AccessAnalysing Costs/Benefits for Distance Education Programmes(2001) Rumble, GrevilleThrough cost analysis you can find out how much something actually costs, set a budget, determine a price and compare the costs of different options. In distance education, the main areas are:- Correspondence systems based around text (print based - Educational/instructional television and radio systems, possible supported by audio and video cassette programmes or involving radio,telephone, and e-mail feedback loops - Multi media systems (text, audio, video, and computer-basedmaterials) - E-education systems, delivering computer-based multi media materials and communications synchronously and asynchronously
- ItemOpen AccessChecklist for Addressing Gender-related Barriers to ICTs(2002) Commonwealth of LearningUse this checklist when designing and implementing projects using ICTs to ensure that your project is accessible to both women and men. By putting strategies in place to address the following barriers you will increase your chances of fully benefiting from the talents and resources of both women and men. Since not all projects operate in the same environment, you should modify the checklist to reflect local circumstances.
- ItemOpen AccessTutoring in open and distance learning: a handbook for tutors(2003) O'Rourke, JenniferThis handbook is designed to help you strengthen your understanding of the principles and practice of tutoring in open and distance learning (ODL), and to feel more confident in applying these principles and practices to your particular situation. This handbook is for you if your role involves providing direction, academic support and assessment through consistent contact with open and distance learners engaged in a specific course of study. The most commonly used term for this role is ‘tutor’; other terms are ‘mentor’, ‘facilitator’, ‘guide’, ‘instructor’ or ‘teacher’. It is also for you if your role involves working with tutors, as a colleague, administrator, supervisor, or course author.
- ItemOpen AccessOpen and Distance Learning Policy Development: Particular Reference to Dual Mode Institutions(2003) Bottomley, John; Calvert, JocelynDual mode institutions teach both on campus and at a distance. In most dual mode institutions policy is based on the needs of on-campus students and faculty, as Distance Education (DE) is a small, peripheral component or may be a recent addition to the institution’s programmes. However, policy issues crop up in DE whether it is recently introduced or well established; in the rapidly developing DE environment, policy must be constantly reviewed and adapted or new policies developed to accommodate changes in DE practice, such as increased use of information and communication technologies (ICT).
- ItemOpen AccessModels for Open and Distance Learning: Globalisation, Education and Distance Education(2003) Hawkridge, DavidThe purpose of this paper, prepared for the Commonwealth of Learning (COL), is to support an informed dialogue on international, regional, national and institutional policy on globalisation and education, by looking particularly at crossborder distance education and training, which to date operates almost entirely at the post-secondary level. The paper is based on a desk study of the published literature and Web documentation. It identifies the key issues facing policy makers and sets out policy questions in the context of current negotiations regarding the General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS)
- ItemOpen AccessDeveloping Library and Information Services for Distance Education(2003) Watson, Elizabeth FDistance education (DE) has revolutionised and democratised the delivery and accessibility of education, and has also changed how critical support services, such as library and information service, are provided. This guide examines distance librarianship (DL) from two perspectives: • How library services contribute to distance education • Ways librarians can deliver effective distance library service, and the issues affecting delivery
- ItemOpen AccessEstablishing Copyright Procedure in Distance Education(2003) Swales, ChristineIn distance education (DE), copyright procedures must be established for any activity that concerns materials. This involves integrating resources, systems, contracts, procedures and information across a number of departments finance, personnel, student registration, library, legal, publishing and educational technology even if there is a designated copyright officer to deal with the third party clearances required in materials development
- ItemOpen AccessInstitutional Collaboration in Distance Education Development and Delivery(2003) Sharma, Chandra B; Chaudhary, Sohanvir SEducation institutions worldwide are experiencing funding cuts, even as global demand for training in new skills and for professional upgrading increases. Providing courses and programmes at a distance is one of the proven ways institutions meet higher learning and training demands, yet coming up with the funding and resources for both traditional as well as distance education (DE) services remains a concern. In response to this challenge, many education institutions are sharing their financial, administrative and infrastructure burden with others on a local, national, regional and global level. This document offers some guidelines for institutional collaboration, particularly for developing and delivering DE