03. Pan-Commonwealth Forum 3 (PCF3), 2004

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    Open Access
    Development of Distance Learning Programmes for Agricultural Education In Southern Africa
    (2004-07) Zachmann, Rainer; Chikoye, Mungule; Siaciwena, Richard; Alluri, Krishna
    PCF3 // In 2001, COL and ISTT initiated a programme for agricultural extension workers in Southern Africa to develop and deliver distance-learning materials. Participants from Namibia, Tanzania, Uganda, and Zambia pre-tested selected materials with prospective learners, improved their materials in a 2002 workshop and are presently piloting distance-learning programmes in their countries.
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    Open Access
    The Online University Business School - Athabasca University’s Centre For Innovative Management
    (2004-07) Weissling, Lee E
    PCF3 // Ten years ago Athabasca University launched the worldʹs first online Executive Master in Business Administration which has grown to deliver one in four of the Executive MBAs awarded in Canada today and is widely respected in the Canadian business and academic communities. // Using an asynchronous online delivery format, the MBA program is collaboratively focused. The 1100 students in the program today work together from across Canada and from 26 countries around the world. Research comparing the online environment with the traditional classroom has shown that an intense interaction exists within the courses and this is widely viewed as one of the Athabasca MBAʹs key strengths. A maximum professor to student ratio of one to twenty five is strictly maintained. With 80 faculty located across Canada and in the US and Europe, the MBA has more faculty involved in it than any other school in Canada. // The school is now focused on expanding the reach of its successful MBA program to new opportunities in online learning. Research is seen as a critical component in the schoolʹs work and plans are underway to add for a doctoral program (Doctorate in Business Administration). An online environment is being created that will integrate the teaching and research activity of the school. Online research institutes allow academics and students to collaborate on international research projects and to work more closely with the business community than has ever been possible before. // Athabasca believes that a high quality university business school requires the integration of teaching, research and relationships with the business community. This paper describes the work of Athabascaʹs Centre for Innovative Management today. It then discusses the schools planʹs for the creation of the University business school of the future.
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    Open Access
    Professional Legal Accreditation Online – an Innovative Approach to an Online Learning Community
    (2004-07) Webster, Leonard; Becker, Joanna; Jackson, Kerryn
    PCF3 // Online learning is increasingly becoming the favoured mode for reaching new learning communities in both developed and developing nations. Underpinning this approach is the provision of well-designed online courses that are learner - centred, emphasise learners as active constructors of their own knowledge, acknowledge the importance of context in developing understanding and advocate the key role that experience plays in learning whilst attempting to build virtual and local learning communities that supports learners. This paper explores the key themes of access to, and the design of, online learning environments within the context of a case study for professional legal accreditation. Further, it suggests applications for both developed and developing nations to reach wider audiences.
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    Open Access
    Elearning Training: Catching Up With The Future
    (2004-07) Wardca, Catriona
    PCF3 // Teachers learn basic pedagogical skills during their initial teacher training. These skills, although further developed in formal teaching environments, are considered insufficient to teach effectively in an elearning environment. Whilst computers are now used by a majority of teachers, only a minority use them for educational delivery. Professional development activities focus too much on technology and fail to address important issues related to elearning. Organisations need to support teachers by providing and funding quality formal elearning PD activities.
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    Open Access
    Creating a Virtual Face-To-Face Delivery Environment
    (2004-07) Verhaart, Michael; Kinshuk
    PCF3 // One particular challenge that educators face in a technologically maturing environment is the use of the technology to assist in delivering material in a way that maintains the benefits of face-to face (f2f) teaching while leveraging the advantages of the electronic delivery media. The ability to create an interactive experience encompassing not only the delivery but also the interaction is possible using web based technologies. // The paper discusses the advantages of face to face and on-line delivery systems and then discusses an innovative on-line prototype delivery model.