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    Open Access
    Financial Literacy for Entrepreneurs / Elimu Ya Kifedha Kwa Wajasiriamali
    (2024) Lugendo, Dorine; Nyangara, Karen; Commonwealth of Learning (COL); Nyangara, Karen; Kangahi, Maurine (Translator)
    The Commonwealth of Learning has designed learning materials on Financial Literacy for Entrepreneurs in non-formal education. There are two sets of resources in English and Kiswihili: A Participant’s Handbook and A Facilitator’s Manual. The Participant’s Manual consists of easy-to-follow lessons for beginning entrepreneurs, designed to ensure adaptability, flexibility in delivery and relevance in low resource settings. The Facilitator’s Manual gives instructions for quick and easy preparation for facilitating each learning unit. Kiswahili: Shirika la Commonwealth of Learning imeunda nyenzo za kujifunzia kuhusu Maarifa ya Kifedha kwa Wajasiriamali katika elimu isiyo rasmi. Kuna seti mbili za Nyenzo: Kitabu cha Mshiriki na Mwongozo wa Mwezeshaji. Mwongozo wa Mshiriki unajumuisha masomo ambayo ni rahisi kufuatilia kwa wajasiriamali wanaoanza, vimeundwa kuhakikisha urahisi wa kuendana na mazingira, wepesi katika utoaji wa mafunzo katika maeneo yenye rasilimali chache. Mwongozo wa Mwezeshaji unatoa maelekezo rahisi na ya haraka kwa ajili ya kuwezesha kila mada ya mafunzo.
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    Open Access
    eCommerce for Entrepreneurs
    (2024) Mwaisaka, Douglas; Commonwealth of Learning (COL); Nyangara, Karen
    The Commonwealth of Learning has designed learning materials on eCommerce for Entrepreneurs in non-formal education. There are two sets of resources: A Participant’s Handbook and A Facilitator’s Manual. The Participant’s Manual consists of easy-to-follow lessons for beginning entrepreneurs, designed to ensure adaptability, flexibility in delivery and relevance in low resource settings. The Facilitator’s Manual gives instructions for quick and easy preparation for facilitating each learning unit.
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    Metadata only
    Introduction to Sustainable Development in Business
    (2021-04) Chadeea, Tomal; Doomun, Rubeena
    This module aims to introduce you to Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and discuss issues related to sustainable development in business. We will be linking the SDG concepts to the COVID-19 pandemic and encourage you through forums to share your personal and country experiences with us. We will also discuss post-COVID-19 issues, introduce strategies to initiate the conversation about how to build a robust, resilient and even more sustainable world.
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    Metadata only
    Capacity Building for Non-Governmental Organisations in the Disability Sector
    (2020-11) Janabadi, Zoya
    The training programme on “Capacity Building for NGOs in the Disability Sector” is being offered by the Global Rainbow Foundation as part of the project ''Enable Mauritius: Leaving No-one Behind, people with disabilities'' which is funded by the European Union, and targets managers and/or staff of non-governmental organisations who work in the disability sector. There are six modules in this programme. The main content is hosted on the mooKIT platform and you will be guided on how to access the materials. Face to face sessions will be organised as per timetable issued by GRF. Each module has a different tutor/ team and you will be expected to interact with them through the forums or through any other channel of communication specified by the tutors.
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    Open Access
    Introduction to Social Media Marketing: Course Material
    (2021-05) Singh, Tejinderpal; Commonwealth of Learning
    Social Media has become a buzz word, and it is a vital part of business around the world. There are over 3.8 billion people on social media networks that constitute more than half of the people on earth. Such a boom in social media offers an opportunity for individuals, businesses, governments, social organisations and communities to share, connect and communicate without any geographical boundaries. Many organisations have already started leveraging the power of social media in business communication and marketing. This course has been designed to provide you with a full understanding of how to plan, manage and execute a successful social media strategy using various online platforms. Participants will gain fundamental knowledge of social media marketing as well a specific skill sets to create, manage, track and monitor social media marketing campaigns using social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and YouTube.