Skills & Trades

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    Open Access
    Introduction to Bookkeeping: A Flexible Learning Course
    (2017-06) Ginigoada Bisnis Foundation; Mutero, Joan
    This is a nonformal course to introduce adult learners to bookkeeping. It was developed by Robert Evah, Training Manager at the Ginigoada Bisnis Foundation in Papua New Guinea. It provides learners with fundamentals of bookkeeping and accounting through eight units. The eight units are the following: Nature of Accounting, Accounting Principles and Concepts, Accounting System Part 1, Accounting System Part 2, Depreciation, Payroll Accounting, Petty Cash, and Bank Reconciliation.
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    Open Access
    Sustainable Development Goals & TVET
    These materials are part of "Sustainable Development in TVET" – a flexible learning course. They highlight the 17 Sustainable Development Goals and how they can be linked to TVET curriculum. The information is compiled from UNESCO’s Education for Sustainable Development Goals: Learning Objectives (2017) and the Commonwealth Secretariat’s Curriculum Framework for Enabling the Sustainable Development Goals (2017).
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    Open Access
    Beauty Care
    (2015) Center for International Education and Development (CINED)
    Beauty Care is a course for livelihoods skills training designed for neo-literates and persons having limited reading skills. The course materials include a training manual for teachers and a handbook for trainees. The materials were created by the Center for International Education and Development (CINED) and published by Dhaka Ahsania Mission with support from the Commonwealth of Learning. The materials are in Bengla and are designed keeping consistency with Pre-Vocational Level-2 of the National Technical and Vocational Qualifications Framework (NTVQF) in Bangladesh.
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    Open Access
    Garments Machine Operation
    (2015) Center for International Education and Development (CINED)
    Garment Machine Operation is a course for livelihoods skills training designed for neo-literates and persons having limited reading skills. The course materials include a training manual for teachers and a handbook for trainees. The materials were created by the Center for International Education and Development (CINED) and published by Dhaka Ahsania Mission with support from the Commonwealth of Learning. The materials are in Bengla and are designed keeping consistency with Pre-Vocational Level-2 of the National Technical and Vocational Qualifications Framework (NTVQF) in Bangladesh.
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    Open Access
    Basic Trades for Small Island Nations: Working with Concrete
    (2016-09) Wightman, Paul; Ene, Lapana; Fuafanua, Sama; Faletiute, Patuki; Vakalasi, Pateni; Ioane, Elisaia
    This course is an introduction to working with concrete and concrete blocks. It was originally written as part of the Pacific Basic Trades Training programme. It has been contextualised for Tuvalu by local teachers to meet the needs of school leavers and community groups who have limited knowledge or experience of concrete work. Specifically, the course covers the following four modules: Choosing concrete, Mix and lay concrete, Introduction to blocks, and Build with blocks.