MOOC on Integrated Pest Management (IPM): A New Online Venture in Agricultural Education System

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The landscape of agriculture is changing rapidly due to include agribusiness in supplychain operations and management. As a result, there is an absolute necessity to empower farmers, women and youth in terms of livelihood and entrepreneurship skills. Innovations in ICT which are playing an important role in bridging the gap could be successfully employed for this purpose. Looking into its importance National Academy of Agricultural Science (NAAS), New Delhi has brought out a policy paper on ‘MOOC for capacity building in Indian agriculture: Opportunities and challenges’ in January 2015. The policy paper emphasises the strength and potential of MOOC in reaching out larger section of the students/faculty/extension personnel in delivering the goods. Encouraged by the policy decision, MOOCs in some of the agricultural subjects were designed and offered in collaboration with NPTEL and IITK of which, IPM was one among them. // Paper ID 470