Guides & Toolkits

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    Open Access
    Academic and Career Skills (Self-Assessment) Instrument (ACSI) Manual
    (2024-09) Sharma, Chavi Bhargava
    The development of the Academic and Career Skills (Self-Assessment) Instrument (ACSI) stems from a collaborative initiative between the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) and the Commonwealth Educational Media Centre for Asia (CEMCA). Recognising a critical gap in the availability of career and academic assessment tools for students in government schools in India, CBSE approached CEMCA with the idea to develop a comprehensive profiler. In India, students often face significant peer pressure when choosing their career paths, and vocational education subjects are frequently neglected or considered less important than traditional academic streams.
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    Open Access
    Gender Scorecard 3.0: Instructions & Templates
    (2024) Alphonso, Mignon; Silas-Bossan, Bavoshia; Kanwar, Asha
    The Commonwealth of Learning (COL) developed the Gender Scorecard to aid institutions in advancing gender mainstreaming by analysing policies and practices across all levels of the organisation. This tool provides insights into the status of gender equality within the institution, helping to identify gaps and define actionable steps for promoting gender equality. Using surveys and questionnaires, the Scorecard engages all staff, ensuring gender considerations are integrated throughout organisational activities, challenging norms, and fostering equal opportunities. Ultimately, it enables organisations to create inclusive policies that reflect the diverse experiences of all genders in planning, implementation, and evaluation processes.
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    Open Access
    Community of Inquiry-based MOOC Facilitation Manual
    (2024-09) Commonwealth of Learning (COL)
    This manual was prepared in anticipation of the need to develop capacity for those who may be newer to facilitating discussion forums in an inquiry-based MOOC. It is based on preparing materials to train a team at the University of Abuja to deliver their first "Teaching Science with Technology" MOOC, with the support of the Commonwealth of Learning. The facilitators’ individual reflections from this course are included in the Annex and are a meaningful addition to this look at the facilitator’s role. The manual further includes the theoretical foundations for the community of inquiry (COI) concept, some insights into facilitation in a community of inquiry, and practical strategies and approaches that can be used to help facilitators as they consider their role in an inquiry-based MOOC. Naturally, different approaches can be taken, and in the end, facilitators need to find their own best approach that matches their strengths and the goals of the community of inquiry. However, this manual can provide an entry place into the role of facilitator and can provide a common language for the facilitation team to ensure they are working together cohesively.
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    Open Access
    Quality Assurance in Distance Education: The University Council of Jamaica’s Guides in Implementing the Distance Education Standards, 2022
    (2024-07) Commonwealth of Learning (COL); University Council of Jamaica (UCJ)
    To improve national capacity in implementing the Distance Education Standards (2022), COL supported the University Council of Jamaica (UCJ) in developing a two-part training toolkit – a Facilitator’s Guide and a Learner’s Guide – for use by higher education institutions to explore problems and to find solutions to quality assurance issues when delivering distance education programmes.
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    Open Access
    Developing Policy Guidelines for Artificial Intelligence in Post-secondary Institutions
    (2024-06) Ally, Mohamed; Mishra, Sanjaya
    Based on a scoping review of the institutional policies and guidelines related to artificial intelligence in teaching and learning, this report presents a framework and guidelines on developing context-specific policies for using AI in teaching and learning. It identifies the key stakeholders, issues to be discussed and provided a competence framework for developing relevant policies for ethical use of AI in post-secondary institutions.