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    Open Access
    Community Radio Compendium 2023: Tools of Community Empowerment
    A compendium of Community Broadcasting in India for 2023, published by Commonwealth Educational Media Centre for Asia (CEMCA) and Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, Government of India.
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    Open Access
    Teacher Education via Open and Distance Learning at The Open University of Sri Lanka: A Transformational Journey
    (2024) Karunanayaka, Shironica P.
    This monograph explores the evolution and impact of teacher education programs and practices implemented through the open and distance learning (ODL) mode at the Open University of Sri Lanka (OUSL). Since its inception in 1980, OUSL has implemented teacher education programs through ODL, which have continuously expanded and extended in many ways. The aim of the current study was to review the development of teacher education provided via ODL at OUSL from 1980 to 2023, with a view to identifying the key trends, changes in pedagogical approaches, impact of technological integrations, good practices, and areas for future development. Through a comprehensive review of literature, which revealed the multi-dimensional nature of providing teacher education through the ODL mode, a conceptual framework grounded in theoretical and empirical literature related to ODL practices in teacher education was developed. It provided a foundation for understanding the complexities and discovering the affordances of implementing teacher education programs in an ODL context. Employing a documentary research approach, the study critically examined a range of relevant articles published during the period from 1980 to 2023. This was complemented by semi-structured interviews conducted with a group of fourteen participants comprising former and current academic staff members of the Faculty of Education selected through purposive sampling. The investigation resulted in a comprehensive narrative of the transformational journey of propagating teacher education via ODL at OUSL over four decades, focusing on the historical development mainly in relation to pedagogical advancements and technological integrations. While unveiling the distinctive features, successes, challenges, trends, and impacts, it provides useful insights on future directions for effective teacher education via ODL in similar contexts.
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    Metadata only
    Global Education Monitoring Report 2024, Pacific: Technology in Education: A Tool on Whose Terms?
    (2024-10-22) Commonwealth of Learning (COL); Global Education Monitoring Report team
    Information transmission and connectivity is crucial in the Pacific, a region characterized by high geographic dispersion. While the application of ICT in education has significant potentials, it is hindered by the region's limited and costly infrastructure. This edition accompanies the 2023 Global Education Monitoring Report, which acknowledges technology as a useful tool but invites the education community to question on whose terms it is deployed.
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    Open Access
    Teleconferencing: A Training Kit
    (2004-06) Commonwealth Educational Media Centre for Asia (CEMCA)
    Teleconferencing: A Training Kit, published by Commonwealth Educational Media Centre for Asia (CEMCA), June 2004.
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    Open Access
    Educational Broadcasting in the Commonwealth With Special Reference to Educational Television
    (2003) Reddi, Usha Vyasulu
    Media have always formed an important part of modern education since the beginning of the twentieth century. From print to radio, television, and today’s Web-enabled e-learning, each medium has been seen as a potential solution for the problems, inadequacies and certain ills of education. Invariably, the purpose of inducting media into education has been two-fold: to increase the reach and thereby access; and to enrich the quality of educational content. The birth of a new medium has not however, supplanted the previous one; since each has found its own niche. The growing importance of the print medium in the wake of a wide range of electronic/ digital media is a clear example of this.