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    Open Access
    Teleconferencing: A Training Kit
    (2004-06) Commonwealth Educational Media Centre for Asia (CEMCA)
    Teleconferencing: A Training Kit, published by Commonwealth Educational Media Centre for Asia (CEMCA), June 2004.
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    Open Access
    Educational Broadcasting in the Commonwealth With Special Reference to Educational Television
    (2003) Reddi, Usha Vyasulu
    Media have always formed an important part of modern education since the beginning of the twentieth century. From print to radio, television, and today’s Web-enabled e-learning, each medium has been seen as a potential solution for the problems, inadequacies and certain ills of education. Invariably, the purpose of inducting media into education has been two-fold: to increase the reach and thereby access; and to enrich the quality of educational content. The birth of a new medium has not however, supplanted the previous one; since each has found its own niche. The growing importance of the print medium in the wake of a wide range of electronic/ digital media is a clear example of this.
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    Open Access
    Planning for Operation: An e-Service Approach
    (2007) Wong, Andrew; Lee, Joseph; Wu, Carol
    Operations of an open and distance learning (ODL) institution cover a wide range of academic and administrative management activities that are considered very much “core business” of the institution. Traditionally, such activities involve and require a large number of staff to manage the activities. As demand for service generally grows with more sophisticated and demanding clients whilst funding tightens, ODL institutions are facing a squeeze to find ways to “do more with less”. Providing student services online has been taking a central role in the operations of an academic institution especially for open and distance learning and continuing education.
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    Open Access
    Quality Assurance in ODL Institutions
    (2007) Koul, Badri N
    The quality concerns of the ODL pioneers at the initial stages of the innovation called ODL (associated with the establishment of the British Open University in 1969) were focused on its socio-academic credibility vis-à-vis the time honored face-to face system of learning/teaching, wherein standards, not quality, was the watchword—adequate institutional infrastructure, appropriately qualified staff and in relation to a programme on offer, prescribed entrance qualifications, curricular content, duration of studies, a scheme of educational transactions and a scheme of learner evaluation reflected the standards. ODL institutions, under pressure to gain a foothold on the conventional turf, towed the line, but lost no time in identifying new criteria—i) the process of developing course materials, ii) the nature of course materials themselves, iii) the provision and practice of learner support services including the nature of pedagogic transaction/interaction and iv) flexibility in relation to entrance qualifications—to redefine standards in their fledgling enterprise. The last two of these continue to be questioned in circles/societies that find it difficult to see the paradigmatic shifts that have been taking place in the institution, philosophy and purpose of education over the past four decades.
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    Open Access
    Rethinking Planning for Open Learning
    (2007) Dhanarajan, Gajaraj
    This meeting is about Planning Open Learning generally, but more specifically it is about planning Open Universities which, as a habit, use methods of distance education to deliver learning. Speaking selfishly it could not have come at a better time for those of us in Penang, who are struggling very hard over many issues relating to Open Learning that requires consideration, as we work on establishing a new Open University on this island, to serve Malaysians. // Looking around we cannot help but recognize that the world in which Open Distance Learning operates is being redefined based on a number of factors. Major technological breakthroughs as well as social developments, many of which have occurred over the last three decades, are major drivers of the changing environment. but, others such as increased demand for learning, trade in educational services, globalization, economic liberalism have all been cited by one or another expert, as contributing to that redefinition.