Online Learning as an Alternative Learning Modality in Ecuador’s Education Institutions Amidst Crises and Outbreaks: A SWOT Analysis
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The primary objective of this paper is to analyse the weaknesses, threats, strengths, and opportunities (SWOT matrix analysis) of online teaching and learning in educational institutions (primary, secondary, and higher education) in Ecuador during the COVID-19 pandemic. A qualitative study of the descriptive documentary type was conducted, where the information obtained from virtual education in times of crisis and outbreaks was collected and analysed. It was found that educational centers at different levels of schooling still continued to use traditional teaching methods and processes subject to old procedures as a basis for their incursion into virtuality, although other establishments began to handle combined modalities such as blended and hybrid online (e-learning) modes of learning. In conclusion, the deadly coronavirus disease (SARS-COV-2) abruptly halted much human activity worldwide. This forced hesitant educational systems that still used traditional face-to-face teaching methods in classrooms to move and change to online learning in many regions, regardless of the socioeconomic level and demographics of the students. Aside from determining how to deal with the problems and challenges of virtual education during epidemics and natural disasters, it is clear that the number of technology-driven educational start-ups has increased significantly.