Artificial Intelligence (AI) Driven Interventions in Technical and Vocational Education and Training
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PCF10 Sub-theme: Inspiring Innovations // In the last decade the world has witnessed major advancement in science and technology, an industrial revolution of some sort, a truly massive shift that has birthed industry 4.0. This gigantic shift has given rise to a demand for uniquely transformative technical skills, a demand that can only be quenched by a properly developed and correctly implemented quality, industry focused, demand-driven Competency Based Technical and Vocational Training (CBET) program. To ensure immediate and sustainable employability of these Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) graduates, the training curricula must take cognizance of the latest trends in science and technology, such as Artificial Intelligence (AI) that are responsible for the prominent shifts in the labour market and the requisite skill demanded. In education AI has been used to improve administration and to augment teaching and learning. The objective of this study was to identify, analyze and categorize Artificial intelligence (AI) driven interventions currently used in TVET institutions and to determine their effectiveness. The research was conducted using scoping review methodology, selected since it enabled the researchers to address the broad research question, assess the extent of the available evidence, define eligibility criteria, search the literature, organize it into groups, screen the results and select evidence for inclusion. The JBI manual for evidence synthesis was used in the data extraction and synthesis. And a descriptive summary of the evidence created (charting). A literature search was conducted on the Web of Science for English language peer-reviewed articles related to AI application to TVET institutions. Out of the 320 eligible studies retrieved only 75 were considered based on the inclusion criteria. The result identified the most commonly employed AI-driven interventions and gave recommendations necessary to realize the full potential AI in TVET. // Paper ID1996