Transforming Citizen-Leadership Engagement, Governance Institutions and Development in Communities or Quarters: The Example of Mile 19 in Cameroon
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PCF5 Sub-theme: Governance and social justice // Much of the world, including Cameroon, is lagging on its promise to achieve Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). The survival and progress of many is blighted. Yet countries such as Cameroon, which are well endowed with natural and human resources, can more than achieve MDGs, eradicate poverty and live up to the mandate of their Constitutions. This paper presents an EITD Research intervention model that encourages and helps entrepreneurial activism and responsibility in initiatives to meet priority population needs in communities or quarters. Using Mile 19, a village in Cameroon, as example of the model at work; the paper advances thinking on the issues and raises awareness of the need for reforms, especially in governance and its impacts on opportunities and challenges for enhancing value in locally generated development processes, as well as on-the-ground effectiveness in learning that employs open or distance education methodologies. // Paper ID 288