Broadcasting, Skills Development and Good Governance: Encouraging Online Learning Communities in Media Organisations

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Commonwealth of Learning (COL)

PCF5: Cross-Cutting Theme // This short presentation aims to share with you the experience of trying to deliver media skills training around the Commonwealth using distance learning techniques. We’ll look at some of the drivers for this kind of approach, and some of the shortcomings. // Some of the problems we’ve had to overcome have ranged from the technical (which sometimes seems ironic for media organisations), to the cultural. We’ve also found some linguistic challenges. For example, when is it alright to use the phrase “Hit me up” on a message board posting? I’ll return to that shortly. // Since 2005 we’ve been mainly developing training courses for staff in national broadcasting organisations; the kind of broadcasters who were modelled on the BBC’s concept of public service broadcasting. // But like the BBC, these organisations have had to change out of all recognition in the past few years. The challenges of online media, technical developments such as the introduction of digital editing (rather than using tape and editing with scissors), the introduction of staff performance monitoring – these have all had a profound effect on the skills needed by the broadcasters and their managers. Commercial pressures bring other challenges for hardpressed production offices. // The Commonwealth Broadcasting Association, with whom I’ve worked most over the last three years, has many member stations who you would recognise as traditional public service radio and TV broadcasters. But grafted onto those activities we now have the new media of web services delivered by computer or mobile device. // One of the most surprising things is how some of these new ways of interacting with one another are quite familiar to many trainees in their private lives, but seem to cause big headaches for the organisations they work for. // Paper ID 421

Skills Development,Media,Online Learning
United Kingdom