Exploring the Utilization of TV PrintCast Technology in Satellite Based Training of Panchayat Members (Local Self Government Members) of Karnataka
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PCF5 Sub-theme: Health // Training is a cardinal component of any professional development; and it has to run parallel with the entire length of the career in order to upgrade and update the professional skills. Various modes of training are available and teleconferencing is one of the new methods, which combines the advantages of modern media and the interactive possibilities of conventional training. One-way video and two-way audio teleconferencing mode of training is in use and has been found large acceptance in India.. As of now more than 6 locations in India have the facilities for conducting teleconference. A number of national and State institutions, universities and Government departments are using this method for training their personnel. The launch of EDUSAT (Educational Satellite) and efforts of ISRO (Indian Space Research Organisation) and various other National, Regional and State level agencies has led to wider use of the teleconference mode for education and training of various personnel in different sectors such as Education, Agriculture, Health and Rural Development One such institution is ANS-SIRD, situated in Mysore. The SATCOM (Satellite Communication) centre for Karnataka is located here; the centre has a small studio and an uplink earth station and functions as a teaching end. // Paper ID 555