Policies and Practices in Open, Distance and Technology-Enabled Learning in Teacher Training in Kenya
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This report explores ODL policies and practices in pre-service and in-service teacher training for pre-primary, primary, secondary, and tertiary levels in Kenya. The report examines the vital role of education and training in achieving Kenya Vision 2030 in order to transform Kenya into a middle-income country. Various institutions and stakeholders, including the Ministry of Education (MoE) and the Teachers Service Commission (TSC), contributed to the report. It highlights challenges in the uptake of the Teacher Professional Development (TPD) programme and also discusses the establishment of the Open University of Kenya to promote Open, Distance, and E-Learning (ODeL) methods. Despite existing policies and frameworks, gaps remain in quality assurance, digital literacy, infrastructure, and support systems. This necessitates further policy interventions for the effective integration of ODL, TEL, OER, and MOOCs in teacher training.