Models of Tuition for Digital Education
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PCF10 Sub-theme: Promoting Equity and Inclusion // Digital education has a confusing realm of terminology. Models and modes freely apply the terms ‘online’, ‘hybrid’, ‘blended’, ‘flipped’ and (more recently) ‘hyflex’ as if they have specific and agreed meaning. Without discerning the potential differences across these (and other) terms, valuable opportunities for linking different models of tuition for different learner groups can be overlooked. // In the response to Covid-19, Emergency Remote Teaching (ERT) and Learning (ERL) have further muddied conversations around online and distance education. Imprecise definitions of MOOCs and micro-credentials also add to the confusion, making agreed frameworks of definition critical for both decision-makers and practitioners. All terminology, at its core, projects assumptions about teaching and learning that are usually undisclosed. // This paper proposes a framework comprising six models for digital education. Beginning with distinguishing between asynchronous and synchronous approaches to education, the six models span distance, face-to-face and work-based learning options each of which seek to match learner access with sound education. The six models suggests a different role for courseware and teachers, however linking all six models together can form a mutually-supportive and coherent system that encourages collaboration across multiple education institutes. // Once different models of education are defined, the potential for innovation – across courseware development, teaching, data analytics, and student success advocacy roles – becomes clearer. Differences and implications from the perspective of the learner also become more visible, with each model extending different benefits. // Paper ID 9025