OERs: Issues and Challenges of Copyrights, Licensing and Access

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Prasad, R Siva
Rao, J Prabhakar
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Commonwealth of Learning (COL) and Open University Malaysia (OUM)

Quality assurance represents an important aspect of OERs development, both in content development and issues related to online conversion, such as copyrights, licensing and access. Most of the time when developing OERs many a time little attention is paid to copyright and licensing aspects which can affect access to the learners. Hence, the present paper deals with different dimensions of licensing and copyright issues in the development of OERs. It also focuses on the steps to be taken in order to avoid the pitfalls in OER development. This paper answers the above questions in light of the study undertaken by the University of Hyderabad team in E-QUAL project. // While working with multi-disciplinary ENRs modules, it was observed that a multiple interdisciplinary methodological approaches are required to assimilate themes relating to different areas of knowledge relating to sciences, social sciences and humanities. Different pedagogical strategies are to be adopted keeping in view the diverse backgrounds of the learners. The purpose is to enable the learners to get an exposure to the basic concepts and perspectives across disciplines related to the topical areas. This will empower the learners to choose ones areas of interest for future learning in a holistic perspective. // In view of the above, the challenges of licensing and copyrights in OER development become all the more necessary to be critically analysed. This will not only ensure quality in OERs development but also facilitates their access. It acquires special significance in multilingual, multicultural, multi-ethnic and diverse socioeconomic contexts. It poses challenges in content development and its online conversion in order to ensure, besides quality, equity in learning. One can ensure sustainability of access and equity only if one ensures the sustainability of the process. // Paper ID 275

Open Educational Resources (OER),Quality Assurance,Copyright,Access