An Examination of Issues of Equity during the Pandemic: Global Perspectives
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PCF10 Sub-theme: Promoting Equity and Inclusion [POSTER] // This poster presentation will be based on a review of articles in the book Emergency Remote Learning, Teaching and Leading: Global Perspectives. The poster presentation will entail a discussion of issues in equity among students from teachers’ perspectives. The participants are from Trinidad, Grenada, Greece, and Ghana. The presenter will discuss the similarities experienced by students in each context as well as the differences. The chapters are qualitative and quantitative in nature with 17 teachers in Greece to 265 students in Ghana. The sampling methods are different for each chapter and these will be presented in a chart. The findings include such issues as emotional, behavioural, technical, and issues in competencies in Ghana. In Trinidad and Grenada, the issues were (1) the digital divide; (2) attendance (3) parental involvement; (4) students’ motivation or lack thereof. In Greece, there were similar issues with students’ attendance, their online skills and their lack of motivation. The findings of these studies will add to the extant literature. // Paper ID 9376