Commonwealth Computer Navigator's Certificate


COL launched this programme to widen access to information and communications technologies (ICTs) skills training using free software. Sir John Daniel, President of COL, announced the initiation of the Commonwealth Computer Navigator's Certificate (CCNC) on 16 September to coincide with Software Freedom Day 2006. The CCNC allows learners to acquire ICTs skills in the tools of their choice. COL will add value to the existing materials of the Open International Computer Drivers License created by the Go Open Source campaign in South Africa and distribute the training as free content for anyone to use, modify and distribute. By using free content, the CCNC will create more opportunities to acquire the prerequisite ICTs skills, throwing a wide bridge across the digital divide. Also available upon request from COL in multi-media format. // Contents: Module 1 - Concepts of Information Technology ; Module 2 - Using the Computer and Managing Files ; Module 3 - Word Processing Using OpenOffice Writer ; Module 4 - Spreadsheets Using OpenOffice CALC ; Module 5 - Database Management Using OpenOffice Base ; Module 6 - Presentations Using OpenOffice Impress ; Module 7 - Information and Communications using Firefox and Novell Evolution

Digital Literacy,Information and Communication Technology (ICT),Course or Learning Material