Development of Learning Buffet Model for Open and Flexible Learning
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Open and Flexible Learning is an excellent method of reaching all types of learners. It is truly a medium that helps to democratize education to all. Today, we are currently experiencing a time of constant evolution in the field of education in which students require more resources and tools to obtain the information and construction of knowledge. One such resource is the use of open and distance learning environment, where the lecturer assigns additional activities for the understanding of the concepts seen before. But there are times when the student does not understand the content because of the form it represents, making it necessary to have more options to facilitate the understanding of content through different ways that may be more attractive to the students, achieving more active participation in the subject and an affinity that leads to a better learning experience. This is the goal of the study, which proposes a model called “Learning Buffet Model” for designing Open and Flexible Learning content adaptable to the student´s learning style. This learning buffet model can be used as a fundamental model and applied in any area or discipline of education as it forces the consideration of four components (leaning style, content, pedagogy and technology) in the design of the lesson plan and subsequently enrich the learning environment with more specific learning objects the subjects taught. // Paper ID 536