Developing Open and Distance Workplace Learning: Lessons from Russia
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PCF2 // Learning materials developed by the Open University for operational managers in the British Health Service are increasingly being used in other countries, often with adaptation and translation. A number of evaluations and some comparative research raise issues about how materials developed in and for the United Kingdom contribute to useful and appropriate learning support in other countries. This paper focuses on the extent to which the learning materials and the programmes that different countries have developed from them address learning in the workplace. // The materials were developed to address 40 areas of competence relevant to the management of health care. The paper considers the extent to which these competences are transferable into other cultures and contexts, since management development is essentially about developing the individual learner to be able to manage in his or her own context. // The paper draws on collaborative research involving programme leaders in Australia, the Cayman Islands, Hong Kong and the UK. It also considers a recent programme evaluation in Russia that included interviews with participants, their line managers and tutors. //