University Intervention for Capacity Building and Social Empowerment through Garment Sector Based Distance Education Courses Suiting the Post Multi – Fibre Arrangement Era – Indian Context
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PCF5 Sub-theme: Livelihoods // The globalisation era ordains tertiary institutions to analyse the impact of both national and international policy changes on commerce, industry and socio-economic conditions of the populace and, work out salutary measures. In pragmatic terms, the institutions need to generate curricular inputs for inculcating essential skills. India became a signatory to the GAAT in the year 1947, the year of its independence; the implication is that political colonialism could glide into knowledge based economic colonialism, if unwilling to face globalisation challenges. India and other developing countries have to adapt to technological changes for ensuring self reliance and socio-economic welfare. The spirit of “Learning to live together” and “Learning to be” is to be adopted (Jacques Delor) utilising international relationships through the Commonwealth, United Nations, etc. In this Paper, significance of Multi Fibre Arrangement (MFA), its impact on Indian garment industry and comprehensive educational measures needed to be taken for facing the resultant challenges are discussed. // Paper ID 391