The Contribution of Open Schooling
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17th Conference of Commonwealth Education Ministers, Kuala Lumpur – June 14-19, 2009, Ministers’ Round Table, Expanding access - Universal Secondary Education, The Contribution of Open Schooling, by Sir John Daniel, Commonwealth of Learning // Countries that have struggled to achieve Universal Primary Education will not be able to achieve Universal Secondary Education by building conventional schools. The sums simply do not add up to any remotely realistic budget scenario. To make progress governments must stop thinking of their role primarily as providers of secondary education and pay more attention to the facilitation and regulation of other providers. Private provision has an important role to play, not least in poorer communities, and open schools are an important option. The Commonwealth of Learning believes that open schools can not only expand access to quality secondary education very cost-effectively, but can also play a synergistic role in raising the quality of other providers by acting as a source of learning materials and a mechanism for introducing ICTs effectively for the secondary system as a whole.