Mandatory Continuing Professional Development Model: A Pathway of Promoting Lifelong Job Interest among Academic Faculty Members in Higher Education in Nigeria
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PCF 10 Sub-theme: Fostering Lifelong Learning // Higher institutions are compelled to remain competitive in the rapidly changing world of the current century. This entails promotion of lifelong learning. Using universities in Nigeria for example, we take a crucial look at how mandatory continuing professional development model could promote lifelong job interest among academic faculty members. To effectuate the main objective of the study, three research questions were raised and the correspondence hypotheses were formulated to direct the study. Survey research design was employed. The study population comprised all university academic faculty members purposively selected from faculties in university of Calabar, Nigeria. These faculties were stratified along departments and study levels. A total of 110 respondents were selected via simple random sampling technique. Participants were 42 female university teachers and 68 male. Mandatory Continuing Professional Development Questionnaire (r=0.76) and Lifelong Job Interest Rating (r=0.76) scale were used as instruments for data collection. Data collected were analysed utilizing descriptive statistics and multiple regressions at 0.05 level of significance. Results of the study showed a significant relationship between mandatory continuing professional development model and academic faculty members’ lifelong job interest. In this regard, the study concluded that mandatory continuing professional development model is a key factor in promoting lifelong job interest in higher education and regular updating, re-skilling and re-tooling of teachers is desirable. // Paper ID 3191