Inequality in Access to Technology for Education by Persons with Disabilities during the Covid-19 Pandemic in LMICs: A literature Review
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PCF10 Sub-theme: Promoting Equity and Inclusion // Following the declaration of COVID -19 a pandemic on March 11, 2020 by the World Health Organization (WHO). Countries around the world temporarily closed down educational institutions as part effort to reduce the spread of COVID-19. Nevertheless, learning did not stop, but rather took a different shift (online learning) as part of remote learning arrangements made by most countries. The shift however, has deepened the existent disparities in learning in Low and Middle Income Countries (LMICs) due to inequality in access to technology. This paper reviews research findings highlighting the specific issues of access to technology for education faced by persons with disabilities across the levels of education in LMICs. It will provide recommendations on how inequality in access to technology for education by persons with disabilities during the Covid-19 pandemic in LMICs can be minimized if not curbed. It will also provide a critical view of the existing evidence on access to technology for persons with disabilities in LMICs, as well as the emerging gaps to inform further research that has the potential of limiting inequalities of access to technology for learning. // Paper ID 1325