Developing an Open and Distance Learning (ODL) Course Catalogue for the Pacific
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PCF10 Sub-theme: Building Resilience // Open and distance learning (ODL) is an important channel for increasing education opportunities and outcomes. It is particularly relevant for the Pacific, given small dispersed remote populations and limited access to secondary and post-secondary opportunities in rural and outer island locations. Despite the importance of ODL to the region and the immediate need to build capacity, there has been limited investment. The COVID-19 pandemic has further reinforced the need for the Pacific to be well-prepared for non-contact teaching and learning approaches outside traditional classroom-based practices. This paper charts the development of an ODL course catalogue, as part of a wider initiative, to build capacity by assisting classroom-based teachers to locate professional development opportunities in and through ODL. The process began with the development of a concept note and an attempt to survey what training was already available in the region. This led to the development of a prototype which was subsequently reviewed through three different stakeholder lenses. The combined feedback from these reviews was then used to inform development of a request for proposals to create the fully fledged version of the ODL course catalogue. Based on this experience, and approached from a pragmatic perspective, the paper will identify some key principles for development work of this nature, particularly within the Pacific region. // Paper ID 0672