Integrating Community Partnership Perspective in University Functions: A Strategic Approach to Strengthen University-Community Linkage

Tripathi, Shiv K
Rathnam, B V
Tripathi, S L
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Looking into the complexities of the issue, the present paper has been conceptualized around the broader research question of ‘how we can develop sustainable university-community partnership in the university organization?’ In order to address this research issue, the paper aims to accomplish the following research objectives;

• To review the selected developments in the theory and practice of university-community partnerships; • To analyze university functions using emerging approaches; • To identify the possible functional areas of university-community partnership; • To suggest a generic model for university-community partnership;and • To analyze the possible application of the approach in open and distance learning systems. // The paper is conceptual in nature and is based on the secondary literature review and experience based observations into higher education management. The insights drawn from the interaction with the different higher education managers during training programmes have also been used in analysis of the issues. The paper aims to suggest a generic framework for developing university-community integration by incorporating the different stakeholder perspective under varying environmental conditions. An attempt has been made to identify and apply the possible application areas in open and distance learning systems. In broader terms, the paper addresses the issue of micro level university organization management and aims to contribute to the knowledge development in the area of ‘strategic higher education management’ in general, and community partnership strategic planning in particular. // The proposed model is based on the tested concepts of the management, applicable across different organizational settings. However, being conceptual in nature, it suffers from the usual weaknesses associated with such frameworks. The framework requires significant improvements based on testing and implementation in the real university management situation.

Community Development,Partnerships,Higher Education,Education Management,Models and Frameworks