OER-Enabled Online Micro-Courses for Teachers - Remixing for Resilience in the South Pacific
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PCF10 Sub-theme: Building Resilience // Open, distance and flexible learning (ODFL) is a key strategy for building resilient education systems in the Pacific, given the difficulty of providing more traditional campus-based learning for widely distributed and culturally diverse learners. However, few of the teachers currently in-service have received training in or through ODFL. It is therefore necessary to make such training available in ways that both model and build such capacity in cost-effective and scalable ways. This paper explores the rationale for and design of an open learning ecosystem as exemplified in a micro-course called Digital Skills for OER Sharing (DS4OERS), which is the first of several courses that have been developed or are in development under the Pacific Partnership for Open, Distance and Flexible Learning led by the Commonwealth of Learning. The platform and course were designed to be as open and flexible as possible and use was made of digital badging both to encourage active learning and to allow for multiple exit and re-entry points. Moreover, the pedagogical approach and technologies deployed were designed for remix to build resilience for professional development solutions in the region. Feedback from participants in the first mediated iteration of the course offered to 1560 teachers will be shared as will core learnings which have influenced subsequent design and implementation. Published as OER using free and open source software digital learning environment, the course was remixed and deployed by the Ministry of Education, Sports and Culture in Samoa demonstrating the potential for scaling professional development using open online micro-courses. // Paper ID 5682