Artificial Intelligence and Future of Learning
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PCF10 Sub-theme: Inspiring Innovations // UNESCO global report Reimagining our futures together: A new social contract for education, highlights the challenge of creating decent human-centred work in the age of Artificial Intelligence (AI). It advocates for more people and communities to recognise the value of care work and the multiple ways that economic security needs to be provisioned. // UNESCO is engaged in the frontiers of making the best use of artificial intelligence in education by developing policy guidelines and capacities of member states. The 41st session of UNESCO General Conference adopted the Recommendation on the Ethics of Artificial Intelligence. The Beijing Consensus on AI in education has led the foundation of discourses on how best to leverage the power of AI to benefit students and teachers. The “AI and Education: Guidance for Policy-makers” published by UNESCO in 2021 provided intellectual guidance for the fostering of AI-ready policy-makers. And a guiding framework has been developed for the development AI competencies for K-12, and a report on the mapping of government-endorsed K-12 AI curricula was released in February 2022. // This panel is designed for policy makers of education ministries, practitioners and professionals interested in the crossroad of education policy-making and AI. Speakers will address the issues on the futures of education, AI-enabled futures of learning, AI curriculum development and best practices for preparing students for human-AI collaboration. // Paper ID 1739