Biogas Production for Domestic Use: A Flexible Learning Course
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This course aims to provide learners with the knowledge and skills needed to plan, build and operate a biogas plant for domestic purposes. It is designed for dairy farmers, masons, prospective biogas plan operators and other stakeholders working with this technology.
Over reliance on wood fuel has depleted forests and endangered the environment. In addition, smoke inhalation, soot and ash have been found to cause ill health amongst users of wood fuel. The other alternative source of fuel has been fossil sources such as crude oil, lignite, hard coal and natural gas. These are fossilized remains of dead plants and animals which are non-renewable resources whose reserves are depleted much faster than new ones are being formed. This has led to a search for alternate sources of energy such as wind, solar and biogas. Of all these sources, biogas has been found to be the most suitable for domestic use. This is because it is a renewable, simple and cheap to generate.
Upon successful completion of this course, learners should be able to convert domestic or farm waste into biogas and bio-manure.
This course was developed as part of the short-course offering from Thika Technical Training Institute, designed to provide skills training to meet the needs of the local community. Thika Technical Training Institute is a partner in the Commonwealth of Learning INVEST Africa partnership.